Friday, August 7, 2009

Yes, this really exists.

This is just plain silly. And lacks the capacity for dinosaur shaped pancakes. Yet the makers of ChefStack Perfect Panless Pancakes think it's a revolution in the making. From their website:

"[It's] the worlds first automatic pancake machine. The patented process cooks hot, fresh pancakes in a matter of seconds. From an all-natural batter, 97% fat free pancakes emerge at a rate of up to 200 per hour!"


niko said...

We need that machine!!! I bet thats so easy to use...and it can make 200 per hour...JS its more useful than the recycled mugs from an older post that target was

Deborah said...

oh good greif. lol.

Bruce said...

I question the fluffiness factor of those pancakes...

Deborah said...

I know!!! And I am going to question any restaurant pancakes that are too similar is size and shape.