Monday, September 15, 2008

NY Times most emailed...

Tara Parker-Pope writes candid and valuable advice about how to have success diversifying your children's diet in the article The Six Food Mistakes Parents Make that appeared in yesterday's special: Good Health Guide. I took a little heat for my comments about an interactive feature addressing childhood obesity that the Washington Post put out last week so I am happy to praise a similar piece in this post. And clearly I am not the only one as this has quickly shot to the top of the "most emailed" list.

Here are the six mistakes:

1.) Sending children out of the kitchen
2.) Pressuring them to take a bite
3.) Keeping good stuff out of reach
4.) Dieting in front of your children
5.) Serving boring vegetables
6.) Giving up too soon

As a former (famously) picky eater of a child I have to say, these are good tips. Absolutely read the entire article though. The experts cited have some really great ideas based in some solid research.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with the dieting in front of your kids part. I've seen a couple kids obsessed with their weight and they are young (8-12) and are perfectly fine weight-wise. They are just aware of Mom and her obsession. Kids are like sponges. They hear everything and remember it. Sharing that behavior is very risky...

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Susan. I looked at the video but there was no sound? Think I got the gist though. I really want to check out your latest book. Like you, I am a firm believer that the benefits of proper nutitrition/health are many and Omega 3s have been dissappearing from the westrn diet, havten't they? I sometimes question whether those benefits remain when the nutrient/vitamin/mineral is taken out of the whole food and put into supplement form. I think a lot of people are beginning to question that. What are your thoughts? How were the Morris rats in the video given omega 3s?

Anonymous said...

good tips for a mom-to-be