Monday, March 22, 2010

Love Little Green Books

I had the pleasure of gifting and reading The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle to my little niece over the weekend and let me tell you, folks: it is adorably educational. The story about recycling follows the bottle from his beginnings as a blob of crude oil, through polymerization, construction, use, reuse, recycling and to his final form (spoiler alert) as a fleece sweatshirt. I mean, seriously... what's cuter than a spirited plastic bottle with googley eyes teaching our littlest generation important lessons about the processes that have become a huge part of our existence?

As you would expect, the books are printed on recycled paper and The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle is one of many in Simon & Schuster's Little Green Books series.

Other titles include:

Simon & Schuster have even created the Little Green Blog: Where Your Green Ideas Grow. The most current post of theirs talks about Earth Hour 2010 which is only a few short days away and another great, green activity to do with the kiddies!


becky said...

I meant to tell you...after you left yesterday (and after you had put all the books away)...when she went over to shelf after nap...this was the first book she grabbed and brought over. :)

Deborah said...

That is the best news!!! She is brilliant. Thnx for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

Is there a book about seeing one's shadow on a sunny walk with Grandmom? My precious grandaughter was having quite a time observing and interacting playfully with her shadow the other day! LM

Deborah said...

Most LM comment from LM to date. Lolz.

becky said...
