Thursday, November 11, 2010

2010 CalorieLab, Inc Obesity Stats

For the fifth year in a row, Mississippi has been ranked above all others in terms of obesity rates. What's more alarming, at least to me, is to see a graphic representation of the "one in four American adults are obese" statistic. Read a thorough analysis of CalorieLab's findings here. Also, kudos to Colorado, where only one in five people are obese therefore making them the "thinnest state."


Anonymous said...

Always interesting to see stats! LM

Deborah said...

We've been having a conversation about this on facebook also. Well, about Michelle O's new "salad bars for schools" endeavors and whether or not our sedentary lifestyles play as big of a role in our weight as our food choices do. That is more on the childhood obesity front though. Not a lot of folks have faith that kids will choose salad over tater-tots... probably because adults (visible in these stats) choose the tots. Ugh.