Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sustainable Style

I have to admit, there is a chance that I am a recovering shopaholic. I think. What I mean is, I am certainly guilty of picking up a trendy top or cute pair of jeans that I truly don't need and that look second-hand but are shamefully brand new and overpriced. Although I do my best to make local, sustainable, low-impact choices - I am still a girl in my 20s and enjoy a bit of fashion in my life. For this reason, I am thrilled to report that Project Runway winner, Leanne Marshall, has teamed up with Bluefly, an online clothing distributor, and designed a sustainable clothing collection on sale July 8th. Pretty cool, huh?


Filatore said...

Yes---now are you talking my language!

AF said...

Check it A great eco-friendly designer! She has a fashion show in DC this Sat night. KMS hair products support her and we do the hair for her fashion shows.

Deborah said...

I will definitely check out marchuska. If you happen to be attending the show, AF, send me a few snapshots and let's do a guest post. I think you owe me another guest post still too... ;-) Let's put our heads together on this stuff on Sunday.