Sunday, September 21, 2008

More benefits of fish oil/omega 3s

Roni Caryn Rabin for the NY Times recently wrote about the increasingly popular suggested treatment by pediatricians who practice integrated medicine: fish oil and omega 3s. Although the research is limited, many parents concerned about the side effects of conventional medicine are turning to this option first for the treatment of mood disorders, primarily ADHD, learning and developmental problems, and dyslexia. Read Rabin's informative article here.


Anonymous said...

I have been taking DHA/omega 3 supplement almost entire's recommend it to pregnant women, and advised me to take it.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it. I've heard increasingly good things about including plenty of it in your diet. Susan Allport, who writes a ton about the benefits of Omega-3s, is working on some cookies packed with 1000mg of Omega-3s. This is one supplement I really am finding to be worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

Meant to inclide this link: