Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Okay... So I don't know what is more disturbing about this list of the Top Ten Most Unusual State Fair Foods: the foods themselves, the praising narratives or the bids for additional recipes. I had no idea that "State Fair Food" had evolved so very far beyond caramel apples and corn dogs. People in Texas are frying Coca-Cola batter!!! And bacon. But somehow the bacon seems conservative in comparison.

Anywho... below you will find a few particularly gross fair fare photos. See them all here. Can you guess which one is the Hot Beef Sundae?!


Niko said...

although alot of the choices are down-right nasty, I would love to try the spaghetti and meatballs on a stick! :)

becky said...

yes yes, gross....
but I actually would like to try fried you think if the fry diet coke it's healthier?

Deborah said...

I am disappointed in both of you!! LOL. Waiting or Troy to express interest in the krispy creme chicken for breakfast LOL