Friday, October 30, 2009

I should also mention...


Sam Sessa said...

mmm ... meat ...

Deborah said...

There goes your invite to my meatless, Thank-Heaven-for-Tofurkey Feast this Thanksgiving... ;-)

Sam Sessa said...

Aw, shucks. Guess I'll have to make do with the real thing.

becky said...

Guess you won't be coming to Danville

Deborah said...

Wait wait! Because I realize the Tofurkey will not draw guests away from "the real thing" that Sam Meatatarian Sessa will be consuming on that historical Thursday, I was planning on doing it a different night. I've just seriously been slacking on the planning.

I'd love to Troy's grandmother's highly sustainable home in Danville. I just figured that if he "wanted my help with that he'd ask."