Looking for 99 ways to save energy and money this summer? Check out the all-digital Green Home Guide available for free and easy browsing on the Popular Science website. You will need to provide a name and email address but that's it.
Browse through it. Save money. Kill some time at the office. Reduce your footprint on this great planet. Everybody wins.
Deb, I need help! I think I have Japanese Beetles eating my rosebushes. I need a way to kill them without pesticides. I read that you can hand-pick them and put them in soapy water, but I'm a busy girl. I know you have the answer for me. Feel free to reply via email, text, tweet, efax, or Office Communicator.
LOL okay. I've got to do some research and make sure you aren't trying to kill of an endangered species ;-) Stay tuned...
(Also, love that you are twitterpated now)
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