Read a summary of the findings in this LA Times article recently printed in The Sun.
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what about mineral supplements...like iron?
Good question. I tend to believe that taking an iron supplement, especially as recommended by a physician - which I think is your case - is a different story. You don't see tons of articles claiming that an iron supplement will protect you from cancer, you know? The argument Pollan makes, and I tend to support, is that the vitamin industry has gotten a little carried away with their claims.
You doctor made a suggestion after testing your blood, so there is a personalized, medical reason for the suggestion. I'd urge you to take that advice as I am sure you have. Same goes for any suggestion made by a doctor. On the other hand, when an article on a website urges you to take 500mg of vitamin C for your immune system and vitamin E for great skin, I'd urge you to ask your doctor or a scientist, or really digg into the research behind the health claims.
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